In Logicbroker the Acknowledgment's purpose is to accept, backorder and cancel items from an order received. Accepting items is typically required to indicate that you are ready to fulfill and ship an order. Backordering an item indicates that you will not ship the item until it is back in stock, this is usually beyond the standard 24 hours shipping window. Last cancelling items indicates that the item will not be fulfilled. All acknowledgements must match the PartnerPO from a previous order otherwise the document will not process.
When receiving an acknowledgement against and order, it will effect the status of that order. If all quantities on the order are cancelled, the status of the order will automatically update to Cancelled (1100). It is important to note that all acknowledgments must have the PartnerPO and SupplierSKU match the original order otherwise the document will be non-compliant and fail to process.
Field Descriptions
EDI Field | Logicbroker Field | Description | Requirement |
N/A |
Identifier.SourceKey |
Identifier that will come from the source system; typically this will match the PartnerPO. |
Read Only |
N/A |
Identifier.LogicbrokerKey |
ID to identify the document in the logicbroker system. |
Read Only |
N/A |
Identifier.LinkKey |
Used to link the document to the original source document. For example, It is best to supply the Order's linkkey when posting a shipment. This will make sure the order shipped quanitites are updated on the original order and all statuses are updated appropriateley. |
Read Only |
N/A |
SenderCompanyId |
Logicbroker Internal Company ID to specify what company is sending the document. |
Required |
N/A |
ReceiverCompanyId |
Logicbroker Internal Company ID to specify what company is to receive the document. |
Required |
BAK02 |
Type |
Indicates how the acknowledgement will be treated. 0 = AcknowledgeWithChange 1 = Acknowledge 2 = Reject |
Optional - if not sent the type of acknowledgement will be determined by the Quantites accepted, cancelled, or backordered on the line level. |
N/A |
OrderNumber |
Contains the end customer's order number, this will be used on the packing slip. |
Will pull from Order |
BAK03 |
PartnerPO |
This will be the purchase order number, this will be the main Key to link all your documents. This should match the order. |
Required |
BAK09 |
OrderDate |
Date on the Purchase Order |
Optional - will be pulled from original order if not provided |
BAK08 |
AcknowledgementNumber |
Unique Identifier used to identify the acknowledgment |
Required |
PO1:ACK:DTM02 (068) or PO1:ACK05 (068) |
ScheduledShipDate |
Used to identify the date the items listed on the acknowledgement will ship. |
Required |
BAK04 |
DocumentDate |
Date of the Acknoweldgement. This field will automatically default with the date the document is created. |
Read Only |
N/A |
ExtendedAttribute.EXAMPLE |
Optional |
PO1:PO109 (IN) |
AckLines.ItemIdentifier.PartnerSKU |
The Item identifier that is internal to the purchaser/merchant. |
Conditional - if received on an order this value should be returned |
PO1:PO107 (VN) |
AckLines.ItemIdentifier.SupplierSKU |
The Item Identifier that is used by the supplier or the person fulfilling the product. This will always contain a value. |
Required |
PO1:PO111 (UP) |
AckLines.ItemIdentifier.UPC |
Typically the U.P.C Consumer Package code will be provided; however additional standardized codes can be provided here as well. See specific partner instructions for details. |
Conditional - if received on an order this value should be returned |
PO1:PO104 |
AckLines.Price |
Unit cost that the merchant expects to be billed for each unit fulfilled. |
Optional - only necessary to be provided if there is a change from the order |
PO1:PO105 |
AckLines.PriceCode |
Used to indicate the price level for the product. See specific partner details for applicable codes. |
Optional - only necessary to be provided if there is a change from the order |
PO1:PO101 |
AckLines.LineNumber |
Purchase order line number. |
Conditional - if received on an order this value should be returned |
PO1:ACK02 (IA) |
AckLines.Quantity |
Used to list the quantity being acknowledged for this product. The acknowledgement type will be determined by the what is supplied in the "Type" and "ChangeReason" fields. |
Conditional - Required if Accepting items |
PO1:ACK02 (IR) |
AckLines.QuantityCancelled |
If this value is provided, Qty will get automatically updated and the change reason will get updated appropriately. |
Conditional - Required if Cancelling items |
PO1:ACK02 (IB) |
AckLines.QuantityBackordered |
If this value is provided, Qty will get automatically updated and the change reason will get updated appropriately. |
Conditional - Required if Backordering items |
PO1:ACK03 |
AckLines.QuantityUOM |
Unit of Measure for the Quantity being identified for this line. |
Optional - only necessary to be provided if there is a change from the order |
PO1:N902 (TD) |
AckLines.ChangeReason |
Free Form Reason for cancellation, or acceptance of line item. For certain partners this may require a specific code; the standard codes are listed below. Administrative request |
Opt |
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